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Directory Renaming

These notes, while useful, are outdated. I recommend the xoRewriteModule implementation. This only does directory renaming (and removes modules from the path) but doesn't deal with keyword-URLs liked for some SEO, but that has t be done in the module somehow.

The request to rewrite the URLs of a XOOPS website are typically in these categories:

  • Renaming a module directory (like from 'smartfaqs' to 'faqs')
  • Removing the /modules/ from the path/URL
  • Duplicating a module for an additional section of similar information
  • SEO (search engine optimization)

Let's explore this further...

Renaming Module Directory

Many modules are now making it easy to rename the directory of their modules. Often it's as easy as just renaming the directory (and if the module is made correctly and is self-aware, then this should be the choice of module developers). You may find documentation on this with the module.

Alternatively, there is GIJOE's module wrap.

Removing /modules/ Path

This may be doable using the URL rewrite aspect, but then the module itself also has to rewrite the URLs of the module, which doesn't always happen. GIJOE (again) has a possible fix to this.

Duplicating a Module

There is some info on the XOOPS site on this, and I'll explore this more soon.


Mambo has an excellent plug in that does search engine optimization (SEO) rewriting of URLs. This is good for search engines like Google that likes to see URLs that contain text of search words and such instead of lots of numbers (realistically, this is a fault of Google IMHO, as the information shouldn't require such "hand-written" URLs). Maybe moving to a wiki would be best because they use such URLs. More on this later.

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