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Templates Administration Module
Template administration is made much easier using the Templates Administration Module, aka tplsadmin.

Latest version: 1.01

This tool will be the last stand-alone version and is getting incorporated into the Alternative System Administation (aka altsys) Module, along with Blocks Admin and some other stuff.

Best is to create an additional template set using this module and copy changes to that one when changes are made. That way, when modules are updated, you can just copy them back from this saved set kept in the database. If you don't your changes will be lost any time you update the database and/or the module.

With the advent of v2.0.14 of XOOPS, there is a new template over-ride system where users can overload a template by storing an updated version at XOOPS_ROOT/themes/themename/modulename/pathtofile/file.ext. This prevents overwrites of template changes made when the system or module is updated. This works only if the module takes advantage of it in their code. Since it's new as of July 2006, very few modules use it as of this writing. However, it appears to be fairly easy to implement and add into modules, but I still find it easier to use this module to manage the templates.

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