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xOSCommerce is the XOOPS module of osCommerce an excellent open-source commerce toolset. It uses the registration system of XOOPS and allows the use of osCommerce additions and contributions.

xosCommerce - v0.62 (2006-02-17)
(includes MS2.2 with 20051113 security fix)

Overall, this is pretty easy to get commerce going on your site. And if you aren't running XOOPS, this information pretty much still applies. This robust application includes many payment methods and there are many extensions available for the functionality. So, just:

  • install
  • configure
  • add products
  • add functionality
After that, just sell, keep track of inventory, and make money.


Installation is like any other XOOPS module.


Configuration is a lot. In the Admin area, in the Configuration

Add Products

Just start adding them through the Catalog in the admin area of your site.

Add Functionality

There have been many additional functional capabilities added through the community that uses and supports osCommerce. Find the ones you like and install them. I highly recommend you keep track of which ones you install as you deal with upgrades and updates to the application.

My recommended list:

  • Customers
  • Stocking
  • Backordering -
  • Master Products - Allows grouping of multiple products at a discount price.
  • AutoEmailer - generates customer and order reports, and sends automated e-mails

I need:

  • Send E-mail to those who purchased specific product/time-frame
  • Sign-up for back-orders

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Comments are solely the opionion of the author and not to be construed as the opinion of anyone else.



(c) 2006-2007 - Mark Boyden
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