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Editors (WYSIWYG)

The XOOPS editor framework was introduced in the 2.2.x fork. However, you can integrate the WYSIWYG editors into the 2.0.x platform for those modules that take advantage of them.

XOOPS Editor Framework - Latest: 1.20

This replaces all the stuff that I've written below where I used to maintain my own. I've tried a number of the editors, and IMHO of those available in XOOPS, FCKEditor is the best one overall, but others certainly have their favorites for their own reasons.

I recommend you also update to the latest version of FCKeditor if you plan to use that one.

Historical Notes

The rest of this article is old information (from when I used to build/maintain my own set prior to the frameworks release for 2.0.x). Each module may require a different usage or installation of the editors depending upon the version of XOOPS you're using.

A few notes:

  • This compilation contains "all" WYSIWYG edtiors except for inbetween and TinyContent which have separate instructions below and easy enough to install/update.
  • Under 2.2.x fork, editors are in the class/xoopseditor directory. Generally, you will load the latest versions in that directory.
  • Under 2.0.x, some editors are located in class/<editorname>
  • XForge Modules (like CBB) - Has it's own set and calls it Frameworks. It comes with the download, but likely can be updated with later releases, although it appears to be the latest I can find at the moment. You can also add the other editors from the 2.2.x fork in here, although some path edits may be needed.

Review on editors by XK (Kiovi) developer.

XOOPSeditor Framework

Inspired by this forum article, I've developed my own version for easy installation and upkeep: 2006-07-01. This is what is included:


  • dhtmltextarea (from XOOPS 2.2.4)
  • fckeditor (2.0 Final plus FCK 2.3, combined/edited per below)
  • htmlarea (from xoopseditor v1.2)
  • koivi (from XOOPS 2.2.4, but not used AFAIK)
  • spaw (from xoopseditor v1.2, but not used AFAIK)
  • textarea (from XOOPS 2.2.4)
  • Koivi (v1.0.52.1)
  • Spaw (v1.0.7)
  • dhtmltextarea (XForge, not included in this pkg)
  • fckeditor (2.0 final plus FCK 2.3, edits per below)
  • htmlarea (from xoopseditor v1.2)
  • koivi (XForge, not included in this pkg)
  • textarea (XForge, not included in this pkg)
  • spaw (from xoopseditor v1.2, edits per below)

This appears to have "all" the xoops editors in it, except for Tiny, so far. It may not, however, be the latest and greatest of all of them, but the best I could find at the time and make work.


Latest version: (for SmartSection) - (from XOOPS 2.2.3a updated with 2.2.4)

Koivi needs to be in two places for some reason or another. Install this way:

  • - /class/wysiwyg
  • (or later) - /class/xoopseditor/koivi, and /Frameworks/xoops22/class/xoopseditor/koivi (XForge)


  • SmartSection doesn't use the /class/xoopseditor version (although may with an edit), and thus must be installed in /class/wysiwyg, and the version from xoops 2.2.3a/2.2.4 doesn't work there (likely pathing issues again)
  • instructions talk about replacing the system_imagemanager.html template with the one in the package. I haven't done this, but also haven't played with the image manager, yet. XOOPS 2.0.14 has a new templates replacement capability (so module updates don't overwrite your updated templates).
  • I found something about a "Gecko-Browser" fix, but haven't tried it yet. Seems to work okay without.

How to replace all Text Areas with Koivi in XOOPS - not sure we want to do this, but interesting idea.


Latest release: XOOPS Dev Integration 2.0 Final - FCKeditor 2.3

Copied v2.3 (from FCK site, removing extra files) over the v2.0 for XOOPS and seems to work fine with a couple of small modifications.

FCKeditor is supposed to work with ASPELL. I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds promising overall.

Make this change:

  • fckeditor.php - edit per this post to change $HtmlValue = htmlspecialchars( $this->Value) to $HtmlValue = $this->Value (I found this on line 60 in v2.3) (does this have any security ramifications?)

Copy this changed set of files to:

  • /class/xoopseditor
  • /Frameworks/xoops22/class/xoopseditor

In the Frameworks installation, you'll have to edit the path to point to the Frameworks version:

  • editor_registry.php - edit the path in 4 places to point to the Frameworks version.


Latest Version (no website): 1.16 (only can find 1.14)

This is an updated version of TinyEditor and uses TinyMCE. This will only be maintained until TinyEditor is released, according to author FrankBlack.

To install, load the files to /class/xoopseditor and /modules directories. Then install the module normally. Also, copy the /class/xoopseditor/inbetween files to /Frameworks/xoops22/class/xoopseditor/inbetween for XForge compatibility.


The XOOPS Dev site project known as HTMLarea currently (2006-06-30) shows only fckeditor and TinyMCE (but no file for tiny). Found version in XoopsEditor v1.2 and placed in xoopseditor framework area and it worked, but only for CBB and not for SmartSection.


Latest Version: 1.0 Alpha

TinyEditor is based upon TinyMCE. However, contrary to it's name, it's not tiny. In fact, it's the largest editor out there at the moment. I haven't tried it yet. It may be a god-send, but I don't know.


Latest Version: Various


Has image upload capability, an update on that idea. Now works with IE 5.5+ and Gecko Browsers. What I understand is that the people doing HTMLarea are integrating SPAW with XOOPS yet are concentrating on HTMLarea. I've looked at the various versions I've found:

  • v1.07 - installed in /class/spaw (used in SmartSection, maybe others)
  • v1.0 - xoopseditor v1.2 (seems to be updated over 1.07, but not sure); installed in:
    • /class/xoopseditor/spaw (not used AFAIK)
    • /Frameworks/xoops22/class/xoopseditor/spaw; had to edit paths for: editor_registry.php, formspaw.php, config/spaw_control.config.php (updates XForge Framework and works in CBB)
  • v1.1 from SPAW (not yet XOOPS integrated - but may be able to overwrite v1.0 or 1.07)
  • v1.4 Module (readme says 1.20b), used with WF-Sections, but abandoning that, and not in forward direction.

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Comments are solely the opionion of the author and not to be construed as the opinion of anyone else.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/8/27 21:33  Updated: 2008/9/10 13:34
 Re: Editors (WYSIWYG)
hi, this is very interesting, the difficulty for me is there is too much info. This may also be true for others that are directed here.

I appreciate your work but wonder why XOOPS still has trouble with presentation and communication. The other CMS's always look better and simpler and seem to convey this.

Please tell me Drupal, Joomla and others have these same problems.....

Anyhow an Enquiry on the xoops site about other editors points here and I am none the wiser.


All I want is decent editor in my news module as the xoops one is a bit buggy in

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/9/10 13:39  Updated: 2008/9/10 13:39
Joined: 2005/2/26
From: Austin, TX
Posts: 85
 Re: Editors (WYSIWYG)
This article tells you how to install the WYSIWYG editors into XOOPS so other modules can take advantage of them. The news module does utilize the WYSIWYG editors, so if you follow these instructions, then you should be able to have them available in the news module.

As to the other CMSes, they may look pretty, but under the hood they don't always look as pretty and also come with their own liabilities. XOOPS seems to be the best construction, most light-weight, and most flexible in terms of modifications from what I've found.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/5/9 2:22  Updated: 2009/5/9 2:22
Just popping in
Joined: 1970/1/1
Posts: 1
 Re: Editors (WYSIWYG)
This was just the information I was looking for. Many thanks to Mark for this highly informative post - Jameson Norton 360 3.0 coupon

Poster Thread
Posted: 2010/7/24 19:33  Updated: 2010/8/11 21:34
 Re: Editors (WYSIWYG)
Is there really a need to reinstall all that stuff...it's already there??

Is there not a option to make a real editor to work??

Blocks...I cant usem them



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