Rio Grande - Upper Canyons - 2006 |
Leaving Santa ElenaA shot upriver as we leave Santa Elena Canyon.
Guys in FernA self-portrait with friends in Fern. L2R: Richard, Mark, Pierre.
More FermsSome more ferns in Fern Canyon.
Through Fern's CaveComing up the "cave" carved by the stream in Fern Canyon allowing access to the next level.
Even Further up FernDon tries to decide whether or not he's going to continue up this rock climb or not.
Going Further up FernA shot as we go further up Fern Canyon.
Fern CanyonFirst major ferns inside Fern Canyon growing on a wall seep. L2R: John/Don Marler, Pierre, Richard.
Up Santa ElenaA view up Santa Elena. The walls are a little lower here.
Down Santa ElenaA view down Santa Elena.
Pinned BoatAt least he pinned it the right way. After we rescued it, I knew I wasn't going to bother trying it.
Pierre SwimsPierre tried to run it, too. Now he runs from Bob's boat that he pinned.
Gentleman DownThis gentleman didn't make it through either. He cut his hand a little bit and then got his boat stuck on this gravel bar and he couldn't break the suction. Jeff eventually went and helped even though he said he didn't want it (after we waited 10-15 minutes for him to do it).
Richard/Brian - Rock Slide 2Richard and Brian coming out of the eddy and headed for the hard turn between the rocks. I think they'll make it. Nope. No picture though. Boat and passengers made it through fine, but they had to self-rescue.
Richard/Brian - Rock Slide 1Richard and Brian enter the hard turn at the top of Rock Slide. They eddied out on the left just after this picture.
Rock SlideRichard shows us Rock Slide Rapids. This is before you see it eat 3 boats in a row. I slid my boat over the gravel bar instead.
Pierre and MarlersPierre and the Marlers just inside Santa Elena.
Brian and RichardBrian and Richard again just inside Santa Elena.
Further Inside Santa ElenaA little further inside. Walls are very high here.
Inside Santa ElenaA picture just inside Santa Elena, right after Entrance Rapids.
Stone House RemainsBack inside the canyon above Entrance Rapids we found this eroded small 1-room house. There was a bunch of metal stuff sitting/littered around it from days bygone.